Month: April 2010

Gas pipe line renovation – Infrastructure upgrade Egoli Gas Johannesburg CBD

In 2010, just before the Soccer World Cup, Egoli Gas executed an ambitious 1000 m pipe line renovation project in the CBD of Johannesburg, serving the ABSA towers with gas for their turbines. YMoS assisted Egoli Gas with the project development and the ‘on site’ project management in this hectic environment of busy traffic as…
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Water Services Delivery-Trenchless Pilot Program at eThekwini W&S

eThekwini Water & Sanitation executed a 2000 km AC water pipe relay project in the city of Durban. Part of this exercise was executed with innovative Trenchless methods, like WAVIN’s Compact Pipe and Neofit. A comprehensive feasibility study and ‘on site’ skills transfer program were co-sponsored by the Embassy of the kingdom of the Netherlands.…
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