Big Data in Water & Energy Consumption

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One of the most interesting assignments coming through the Centre of Expertise was to pilot ‘Big Data’ mobile technology in South Africa and Mozambique.


The Dutch innovative Mobile Water Management BV is a spinoff from technology institute, Delft University, founded in The Netherlands and is a leading technology firm specializing in pattern recognition (optical and sound) technologies and “self-learning” software solutions.

Amongst others it has developed an ‘add-on’ low-cost accurate meter reading solution to complete existing CRM & billing systems, boosting efficiency of the overall system with documented proof of the reading.

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Scaling Water & Energy Services across developing markets requires operators to implement low cost and efficient processes.

Customer Relationship Management as well as Reading & Billing is one of the most critical applications for Water Operators.

Building on the deep insights of different markets operators that demonstrate high quality, CRM & billing processes tend to have a good payment ratio of their customers. In short; correct meter readings lead to sustainable services!

YMoS represented Mobile Water Management in the organisation and operations of the pilot, and as a consultant giving technical assistance on the fine tuning of the algorithm used and developing a comprehensive business plan.

The mobile solution compares favourably to other solutions like conventional and intelligent meters, handheld devices and the current manual reading method used by meter readers in the field. Africa has predominately (water & energy) meters which require a physical reading in the field. A paper trail ensures the data ends up in an bill for the consumer, a process proven to be  open to mistakes and fraud by definition.

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The strengths of the product lies mainly in the simplicity of its use and low investment capex cost. Though the technology is simple in its use, we found the weakness to be in its correct implementation. The threat is found externally by hand held apparatus, which are reasonably well established in the market and used at some utilities for meter reading.

As a disruptive technology, it can be seen as a threat, but also as an opportunity, depending which viewpoint one takes on ‘change management’. The opportunity for this disruptive mobile phone technology in the market lies in the development of a module for ‘2-way communication’ between the client’s database and the app related to the meter reading and the customer’s historic consumption values. This will empower the meter reader to investigate further if potentially something is wrong. 

Last but not least, the true opportunity lies in self-monitoring by the customer and truly streamlining public consumption awareness of water and energy.